ARCHIVED RACE: Run Woodstock Day 2 @ Hell Creek Ranch, Pinckney, MI, United States on 06 September 2014


A cel­e­bra­tion of free­dom and fit­ness: join us as we trip back to a bygone age of nature and love, cen­tered around a mantra of miles on beau­ti­ful trails in Michi­gan wilderness.

An event filled week­end but lots of time to mel­low, med­i­tate and make out. Entry into any Sat­urday morn­ing run/​walk event or week­end […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Run Woodstock Day 1 @ Hell Creek Ranch, Pinckney, MI, United States on 05 September 2014


A cel­e­bra­tion of free­dom and fit­ness: join us as we trip back to a bygone age of nature and love, cen­tered around a mantra of miles on beau­ti­ful trails in Michi­gan wilderness.

An event filled week­end but lots of time to mel­low, med­i­tate and make out. Entry into any Sat­urday morn­ing run/​walk event or week­end […]

ARCHIVED RACE: 2nd Annual Lakewood Irish Jig & Jog @ 13200 Madison Ave., Lakewood, Ohio, United States on 17 March 2013


2nd Annual Lakewood Irish Jig & Jog @ 13200 Madison Ave.,, Lakewood, Ohio, United States on 17 March 2013 […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Run Woodstock @ HELL CREEK RANCH, 10866 Cedar Lake Road, Pinckney, MI, Pinckney, MI, USA on 08 September 2012


A celebration of freedom and fitness: join us as we trip back to a bygone age of nature and love, centered around a mantra of miles on beautiful trails in Michigan wilderness. An event filled weekend but lots of time to mellow, meditate and make out. Entry into any Saturday morning run/walk event or just […]