ARCHIVED RACE: Ultra Paine @ Torres del Paine National Park, Ultima Esperanza, Magallanes, Chile on 29 September 2024

In the year 2014, Ultra Paine® was the first trail-running event to take place in both Torres del Paine National Park and Southern Patagonia, Chile. Since that first edition, the event has occurred each year in the month of September, with the only exception being due to the pandemic in 2020. Starting in 2016, the […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Ultra Paine @ Torres del Paine, Ultima Esperanza, Magallanes, Chile on 28 September 2024

In the year 2014, Ultra Paine® was the first trail-running event to take place in both Torres del Paine National Park and Southern Patagonia, Chile. Since that first edition, the event has occurred each year in the month of September, with the only exception being due to the pandemic in 2020. Starting in 2016, the […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Patagonian International Marathon @ Torres del Paine National Park, Ultima Esperanza, Magallanes, Chile on 07 September 2024

In the year 2012, Patagonian International Marathon® became the first marathon to take place in Torres del Paine National Park. Since that first edition, the event has occurred each year in the month of September, either inside the park or within its surroundings. The only interruption was in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since its […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Harmony Geneva Marathon for Unicef @ , Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland on 08 May 2021

With eight races on the programme and distances ranging from 1km to a full marathon, you will find a distance that suits you to be part of this festival of running.

For the Marathon, Marathon Relay, Half-Marathon and Wheelchair race, runners will stream through the countryside, following a route renowned for its beauty, nestled between […]

ARCHIVED RACE: Kiln Sierra Leone Marathon 2012 @ Around Makeni, Makeni, Sierra Leone on 09 June 2012

KSLM logo for marathon site

As part of its Children’s Golden Jubilee Appeal, UK registered charity Street Child of Sierra Leone (SCoSL) is organising the Kiln Sierra Leone Marathon on 9 June 2012.

SCoSL’s aim is to encourage runners from all over the world to visit Sierra Leone to raise money and showcase the charity’s vital work in Freetown, Makeni, […]